Improve your analytics skills with... Improv?
/Improve your analytics skills with... Improv?
Episode 007
Improv: The ability to think on your feet, ask good questions, and connect with your audience in a meaningful way.
Everyone wants to get better at their jobs, right? For people who use data in their work, they usually look to more technical training… Excel, Tableau, Python, R, SQL, Qlik, PowerBI, etc.
What if I told you that you could get the same, if not MORE, useful training by taking an Improv course at your local comedy troupe?
Yep, we said it. And we stand by it too. Improv helps you think on your feet, ask good questions, and connect with your audience in meaningful ways. Does that sound like something useful to an analyst?
If you’re trying to bring data to your organization, then being able to captivate your audience, communicate effectively with the person across from you, and respond appropriately and confidently goes a LONG way towards moving the needle.
Perhaps you’re asked to present your analysis to some executives at your organization. You’ve worked tirelessly on the deck and your speaking points. And within 5 minutes, the execs have asked a ton of questions, thrown off your script, and moved the conversation in an unexpected direction. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the skills to react quickly, keep your composure, and respond to their new and changing topics?
That’s Improv, baby! Go find your local comedy club and sign up for a course today.
Until next week!