What are your Data Principles?

The first thoughts you might have are: what are Data Principles, or maybe are Data Principles really a thing? Think of Data Principles as your manifesto or by-laws for how your organization uses data. They can be an important right in setting the tone of your organization in how data is used from the C-level throughout. Data Principles could be about how you go about collecting data. How do you go about sharing data within the organization? What is your view of data in the decision-making process? What are your views on Data Governance? What is transparent, and what is hidden from your consumers, partners, employees, etc? Certainly, Data Principles can include a lot.

Let’s take a step back, though, and provide a little more context on Data Principles, we shamelessly adapted this concept in part from Ray Dalio’s Principles book, which is a great read. Ray Dalio applied Principles that he used in his personal and professional life. While I recommend you read the book, I think the concept of putting together your Data Principles for three reasons:

  1. The process of developing principles helps engage in a meaningful conversation and ensure there is buy-in.

  2. Provides an immediate reference point so that everyone in the organization can understand how data should and should not be used within the organization.

  3. Better provides accountability in using data well in an organization and, at the same time, helps democratize the message around the importance of data.

There are certainly other reasons that these Data Principles matter. One important point when putting Data Principles together is that this should be done by a diverse, cross-functional, and cross-seniority level group. It can’t just be leaders. It can’t just be data people. A broad group of input and agreement on Data Principles is needed. Further, the result of this effort needs to be even more broadly communicated so that everyone understands the result.

The process of coming up with Data Principles is just as important as the Principles themselves. Don’t cut the process short; use it as an alignment and communication effort around how your organization cares about data and will use it strategically and ethically. Having an outside facilitator helping provide the Data Principle development sessions is often beneficial so that it is not too driven by one area or another of the organization. It is important that all areas feel and actually do have input in the Data Principles coming together.


You might ask, "What should our Data Principles be?” I cannot answer blanketly, but instead, each organization’s culture, maturity level, risk tolerance, and other factors come into play. What is important is that the conversation happens and the Data Principles result. One important point in coming up with Data Principles is not lying to yourself as an organization. Data Principles should align with the culture or, if different than the culture, then align with the direction that the organization is broadly going to put effort into shifting culture.

Data Principles are only as good as the effort you put into creating, communicating, and reiterating. If you have your Data Principles defined and want to share them, then I would love to see them.

- Dave Mathias

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